Embed a Form on Your Website

To embed a form on your website, follow these steps.

  1. In your list of forms, locate the form you want to embed on your website.
  2. Click Options and then Publishing
  3. If your form is not published, you will need to publish it first. To do so, click the 'I'm ready, publish my form" button.
  4. Check the box that says Embed this form
  5. A snippet of code will appear, you need to copy this code and paste it on your website wherever you want your form to appear
  6. Note, embedded forms will only appear on websites that are in your whitelist

There are several options when embedding a form, these are explained below:

  • Display fields only - this removes all 'free text' from the form, leaving only field names and headings
  • Progress bar - this will display the form progress bar as a user fills it out
  • Transparent background - your embedded form will have a transparent background so your website's background is visible
  • Fill width - Your embedded form will fill the width of the container element on your site

When you are done selecting options, click Finished